Some time ago
De-De asked in a Yahoo-Group for measurements of fists and wrists for a design project. As I just worked on a pair of mittens I posted the measurements for me and my DH - and forgot about the question. Then, little bit more than one week ago, I suddently read this mail:
"I want to thank everyone who has added info to the database during the past few days! [...]
As promised the other day, I just used the random number generator to draw one contributor's name.
*** CLAUDIA! ***You are the winner! Congratulations! [...]"
I was surprised, what, really me? - checked the database, no other Claudia - it must be me, hurray :)
Today I got a letter with 50 g (400 m) of wonderful, incredible soft alpaca yarn.
Thank you, De-De, the colour of the yarn is just my blue and I love the touch of the yarn. Now I have to think about a nice project for it.

Und dann kam schon gestern Post von Amazon :) Ich habe mich in ein Tuch verliebt und freue mich nun, nicht nur die Anleitung dafür zu haben, sondern auch eine kleine zusätzliche Mustersammlung.
And yesterday a letter from amazon with three new patterns for laceshawls arrived. Now I definitely need more time for knitting :)